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  1. #31
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    Yes absolutely. Five months in advance is not too far out as long as you're not gaining massive amounts of weight. Go ahead and make HE-type changes and then just eat fewer cals and the weight will come off. (you can still eat some fat!! PLEASE do not go super low fat as it's not only going to be bad for your sway in future, but it's also not that helpful for dropping weight as your body starts to have massive cravings!) Don't worry too much about blood sugar right now, just get the weight off. Blood sugar tends to respond pretty quickly and you'll have time before your sway to think about that.

    Yes, anything that "tells" your body that times are good, you're in good health and have a lot of resources available to you will sway blue.

    There's NO ratio on carbs and protein. It doesn't take many carbs with the protein, even something like ketchup on a burger qualifies (as of course does the bun!)

    I can't answer your question about what would be better, I just don't have the ability to do that. I suspect that there are a LOT of variables between those two hypothetical individuals. I will say this, though - there is a LOT of nutrition in so called "junk food." I'll sometimes have pink swayers who will say things like "but I don't eat a healthy diet, all I ever eat is junk! Why, I can eat an entire carton of Oreos at one sitting!" But if you look at cals, protein, fat, and added fortification you are going to be eating a lot of nutrients in a thing of Oreos even tho they are what we consider "junk". And you can eat a mountain of broccoli before getting the protein, fat, cals, and lots of other nutrients in a burger, fries, chocolate shake. So I do think you just need to think along the lines of MORE overall (once your sway begins that is) instead of thinking that healthy, low cal will be swaying blue for you more than unhealthy high cal because I'm really not too sure that's the case.

    Any changes you make in a boy friendly direction will sway blue. I know the old school sway sites act like if you don't do all of 9 million things just perfect their sway will fail. But that simply isn't the way it works, and small changes do add up and make a difference. We know this because so many people feel that they change nothing but have different genders.

    The biggest sign you should look for with low blood sugar is just that you're hungry. You do not want to be in a full-on blood sugar crash with shakiness and dizziness before eating, just eat reasonably over the course of the day and it's fine. Do the schedule that works for YOU. We have no evidence about what an ideal pattern would be, if there is one (and that would very likely vary by person, even by week or day as it goes along depending on how much you exercised and what you'd eaten.) Just eat regular meals, as far apart as makes sense to you, so you're neither stuffed and gaining massive weight or starving in between meals. You don't need to overthink it any more than that.

    Yes you do need good levels of saturated fats coming in to help make sex hormones but you can do that even on a reasonable diet as long as you're not eating what I call the "girl mom" diet in which people eat a Yoplait lite for breakfast, candy bar and diet Coke for lunch, and salad with fat free dressing and fat free pasta for dinner.

    Ok bump the rest of this if I don't come back to reply, my husband wants lunch LOL

    Don't overthink the Omega 3 vs. 6 thing. The best studies found simply more animal fats vs. more vegetable based fats, and the Omega 6 fats are more important in getting people to stop using milk replacers and artificially produced vegetable oils, plus taking Omega 6 supplements which we've gotten poor results with. Our good results are in people eating the meat, dairy, eggs, and not worrying about Omega 6 balance beyond not loading up on transfats, rice milk, and evening primrose supps.
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  2. #32
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    Oh and don't worry about the edits, I don't get notifications on threads (there are just too many).

    good sign that you've got pregnant easily in the past!

    That's a pretty neat article! I actually conceived my fourth boy without having had a period (well, I had had one, but months earlier, and then it went away again for several months)

    Don't worry so much about the "hard times" idea. It cannot happen in a day, a few days, the fertile window, or even 2-4 weeks. Our stats show dreadful results for pink swayers with 2-4 weeks on diet, even when they are very strict and deprive themselves. It takes at minumum 6 weeks before we start to see what I consider to be acceptable pink sway numbers, and much better results with 12+ for pink. There is NO WAY that a couple days or even a couple weeks off on diet will send a signal of "hard times" and that is if you even HAD hard times. The body is not that sensi to diet and it is normal and expected to have some variation. Alll of us with boys, myself included, had days where we ate a lot and then days when we were running around and missed a meal, yet had boys anyway. You need to put the idea that any little thing is going to put your body out of the boy zone, aside. It's an overall trend towards blue that your body responds to.
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  3. #33
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    Sway coming up! Nervous

    Ok I get what you’re saying. I started the HE today had egg/ blueberries/ sugar tea half and half
    Nuts and pumpkin seeds and dates
    Baked beans and salad w cheese
    Dinner was veggie and meat sauce on salad with fruit.
    For this weight loss phase I’m going to cut the grains and any other processed carbs and use the fruit as my carb sources. I’m a little skeptical of stevia, which I usually use, since I’ve not read a whole lot of info on that here and seems to not be something the boy moms use.
    I won’t be skimping on fat as I need that to get my body to feel confident producing hormones. Organic eggs, grass fed butter, grass fed local beef, organic cream & yogurt, nuts… I’m just not going to go nuts on it haha oh boy I crack myself up…. But definitely include a couple eggs/ dairy/ meat daily.
    It’s the fat in the dairy that sways boy right? Because I saw on the girls thread that seemingly plenty of moms were drinking milk, whole and skim, when they got their girls and you said you became lactose intolerant so weren’t drinking much milk with your 3rd. Cheese/ butter/ yogurt/ cream better?
    Does the “mindset” have effect? I suppose there’s no way to track that or even put it into a spreadsheet situation but wondering if I’m too relaxed. I’m worried about being too relaxed!! Ahh!
    Are there stats on more success for a girl mom swaying blue or a boy mom swaying pink? What about if they have one of the one they are swaying for and multiple of the other is it a better success rate than having all of one? I don’t think there is any way to actually chart that anyways…. I think at this point I’m just wondering out loud like a crazy person.
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    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; February 9th, 2022 at 09:16 PM.

  4. #34
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    Can you bump this for me??? I thought I'd have time to reply but a lot of stuff has come up today.
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  5. #35
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    Bumping. It’s ok take your time you have 5 kids!! Plus life!

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  7. #36
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    I would stay away from stevia except on occasion. I just don't think we have the data to know how it actually sways.

    It is not only the fat but the overall nutrition. Dairy foods are very nutrient dense. Everyone in that thread mentions dairy as some sort of magic pink taliisman, but 75% of people on Planet Earth are lactose intolerant and many cultures do not have any dairy at all. Yet the gender ratio stays 50-50 and in fact is actually somewhat higher in countries where dairy is the most eaten, like Scandinavia, than it is around the equator where most people are lactose intolerant.

    The reason why we use full fat dairy for blue in addition to it being so nutrient dense is because a) it's been shown in numerous studies to be good for boosting fertility and b) to avoid people relying on the milk replacers. We saw time after time people who were having only skim dairy or too many milk replacers getting girls.

    Yes, the mindset absolutely has a big effect. I can almost, but not quite, pick out people whose sways are in jeopardy on the basis of their personalities alone. (If I could pick out people by personality I would of course warn them, but it's not reliable enough to do so).

    I would honestly not WANT to put that in a spreadsheet because what people do, is change things in ways they desperately hope will "fix" the mindset, while in reality they continue doing the exact same things that they always did, only moreso (more common in pink swayers, but blue swayers sometimes do this too where they'll justify continuing to exercise a lot because it "makes me control freakish" - ok yes but you're still exercising 2 hours a day!) OR, and this is definitely the case more with blue swayers, they feel that they didn't do everything just perfectly, so they may as well give up because they can't "fix" their personality. So keeping stats on that would be defeating in two ways, both highly inaccurate and highly discouraging. But as an outsider looking in to people's sways, as someone who has been on one side of the aisle and then experienced a change in attitude that led me to conceive the opposite gender, I can see it VERY clearly. The majority of the women who have more boys ask the types of questions you do.

    As for when I conceived my 3rd, I wasn't drinking much milk, but I ate gobs of cheese (I regularly was eating 3-4 oz. cheese as a breakfast) had either a big bowl of cereal with milk or a big bowl of yogurt (I can have cheese and yogurt, those do not upset my stomach) as a bedtime snack. I had one or the other every day. Plus I had incidental cheese like in burritos, on sandwiches, etc. I was eating plenty of dairy, just not quite as much as I was with my first two (which was a lot.)
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  8. #37
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    That’s good I’ve definitely been eating cream/ cheese / butter / eggs/ fatty meats/ nuts and beans as much as I want with fresh or dried fruit or coconut water, plus lots of veggies. I lost a lb, BUT I’m NOT complaining and I think it’s my body’s way of saying breakfast and food and energy- FINALLY!!!! I wouldn’t be opposed to drop a bit more since I got my boy when I was in a really good fit place. Plus I’m just eating whatever I want when I want and have more energy and feel stronger- I can always add more food in when the time gets closer. July is the soonest I want to TTC since that’s when youngest will be 1. Also partially logging this all down on here so if I make another girl I can go back a bd see what I did wrong and try again! If I can…
    Still wondering if the conception on the first cycle back will be a good idea or if I’m shooting myself in the foot by 1.) losing weight first then going into a gain phase of a couple lbs 2.) still breastfeeding and bd freely when D-Day arrives. In my mind I have this set plan on how it’s gonna go down. Lose fat- get muscle- eat the list- ovulate- boy- done. It goes without saying this is all in the hands of Jesus and praying for a healthy baby if He decides to give me another.
    It’s interesting the MDH because I have a herd of mares. The top mare has only had females and the lowest on the low has had only males. They are both fat and eat a ton. Probably a fluke but interesting anyways.
    I did wonder which piggybacks on to my other wonder if you take a 150lb female and she loses 20 lbs but gains back 5 in muscle and fat and also take the same female and have her gain 5lbs,
    Would she be just as blue friendly at 135 as she is at 155? Or is she now too little / too much and swaying pink? Also if you had her lose 20lbs fasting or 20lbs on a balanced diet would that effect the blue friendliness? Does it matter how the weight came off or how it gets put back on? Does it even matter that the weight came off in the first place or just that it got put on? Is there a set point of gain that crosses into the pink realm? Like after x percent of fat you’re now pink. Or if you gain x amount in x amount of time you’re now pink zone. Perhaps the gaining too much weight signals not that the famine is actually over let’s use this food up but that the body is storing up, afraid for the next famine so while technically you’re gaining weight it’s only because your body has lowered its metabolism and doesn’t believe times are good. Maybe females are better primed after a period of weight loss then a couple months of weight gain for boys because the body wants to take advantage of the feasting time before another famine? Or something tells this body to go ahead and up the metabolism we know times are gonna be good now? The body mechanisms are truly fascinating. Again, there is no way to collect data on this it’s just total rambling while snuggling my two sleeping little ones. At the end of it all, it’s really just up to God.

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  9. #38
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    Breastfeeding is very far from a magic bullet. Lots of people breastfeed when they get boys. I have one boy and one girl conceived while breastfeeding and as a breastfeeding supporter I hate to see anyone stop nursing when they don't want to, because it's not necessary.

    I can't answer your question about losing and then gaining some. I only know that many people, myself included, have done so and still gotten boys. Weight gain (and loss for that matter) just have not been that predictive of sway success.

    Interesting about mares! Unfortunately we can't draw conclusions between different animals and humans because we have different "cultures" so to speak and different mechanisms come into play - it just doesn't always work the same in animals as it does humans. But there is at least one study that seemed to indicate there is some preference in gender conceived in mares too:

    I cannot answer your very specific questions. I would simply be making answers up and I try to never do that. All I can speak to is overall trends and what has appeared to work for most people most of the time. (If ONLY I knew the answers to those questions! Wish I did!)

    I would not ever recommend fasting for anyone who wants a boy. I don't think it's a good idea and honestly if you intend to keep weight off in the long term it's always best to lose weight more slowly on a more balanced diet (not to mention healthier overall). Crash dieting is not only bad for blue, it's also bad for your metabolism and the weight may come back easier and be harder to lose a second time, and also it can wreak havoc with your bone mass, your nutrient stores, and your fertility in the short term. I would only lose weight with a balanced diet and exercise.
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  10. #39
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    Absolutely- I was really just rambling/ wondering/ musing I know there’s no way to answer those questions! Maybe one day after analyzing 1,856,327 sways you may be able to see a trend! Lol I just ponder all these things in my head wanting to gather as much info as I can before my attempt. A balanced diet so far has me FEELING so much better - who knew *eyeroll*
    I have learned so much here and from you since my last baby’s conception!
    Fasting I think is really detrimental to damage hormones even though I myself would have a coffee then go all day without eating until duh oh yeah eat you stupid cow… derp. It’s a wonder I stayed fertile.
    Great news about breastfeeding I always nursed my last one when preggo with my next and glad I didn’t cut them off!

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  12. #40
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    Intermittent fasting may help some people by improving overall sensitivity to blood sugar. But I don't ever want to see anyone (regardless of how they're swaying) doing very low cal crash diets or juice fasts - it just doesn't work because the weight comes right on back again. This is particularly true when people crash diet and then do HE!
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